Botanical dyeing by Olga Kazanskaya
Price for the online vesion: 70€

Interest for ecoprint and mixed techniques on fabric? Welcome to Olga Kazanskaya's videotutorial, your comprehensive guide to botanical dyeing.

How to get good prints and add color to botanical imprints with natural and/or synthetic dyes? Follow Olga's complete series (Parts 1-7) of dyeing fundamentals, with step-by-step tutorials for mordanting and dyeing techniques.
Olga demystifies the basic dyer terminology. What is scouring and mordanting, what is the difference between mordant and modyfier? What is soluble indigo and how to combine indigo and ecoprint? What is organic mordanting? How can you add depth to your images using classical techniques (free-hand painting, block printing and screen printing)? The 2,5 h video and 22-page tutorial with photos, schemes and recipes.
Plan of the videotutorial:
  • Part 1. Introduction. Classification of plants. Principles. Plants and their pigments. Some rules of thumb for choice of plants.
  • Part 2. Some basic rules and recipes. Fabric. Types of fibers Scouring. Mordants.
  • Part 3. How to add color to ecoprint?
  • Part 4. Step-by-step instruction: dyeing silk scarf using mediumprint technique.
  • Part 5. Dyeing 3 D objects: Silk Long Sleeve Top and felted coat.
  • Part 6. Natural dyes; mordating with alum or natural mordating with tannins. Indigo.
  • Part 7. Finish. Painting and screen-printing and block printing with natural and synthetic dyes.
About the author of the tutorial
Olga Kazanskaya
Olga Kazanskaya lives and works in South Germany. She studied biology at the Lomonossov University (Moscow) and worked in science till she fell in love with textile art.
Olga Kazanskaya lives and works in South Germany. She studied biology at the Lomonossov University (Moscow) and worked in science till she fell in love with textile art.

Olga's strong point is natural dyeing and botanical printing, she has been teaching her technologies for more than 5 years. During this time, she conducted dozens of full-time workshops in Europe, USA and Russia.
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